February 11, 2012

Yummmmmy carrot cake!

2 c. flour
2 c. sugar
2 tsp bk soda
2 tsp salt
1 Tb cinnamon
3 c. grated carrots
4 eggs
1 1/2 c. oil
1 c. nuts
1 c. raisins (optional)

Blend 1 c. carrots, 1 egg, & 1/2 c. oil
(repeat 2x)

in a separate bowl, put flour, raisins, & nuts. use a colander to sift out nuts & raisins (this is an important step - raisins & nuts must be coated with flour!)

To carrot/egg/oil mix - add sugar & mix
add bk soda, salt & cinnamon & mix
add flour & mix
add rasins & nuts & mix
bake in greased cake pan at 350 for 1 hour

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