February 11, 2012

Chia Cookies

prep - 1 Tbs chia seed (ground in a coffee grinder is preferable) & soak in 1/2 c. water for a minute or two

3/4 c sugar (if you have a coffee grinder - clean & then put the sugar in & blend until powdery - it gives a nicer consistency - but not necessary)
3/4 c dark brown sugar (not good w/ regular brown sugar!)
1/2 c light margarine (regular margarine or butter will not work properly)
1 Tbs vanilla
2 1/4 c whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1tsp cinnamon

Preheat 350 deg. Beat first 4 ingredients & chia mixture until well mixed. Add dry ingredients & mix. ungreased cookie sheet 15 min

This is for high altitude (4500 feet-ish) I haven't tried this yet - but low altitude, try decreasing flour by 2Tb - meaning the total would be 2c & 2Tb of whole wheat flour - also bake at 325

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