February 11, 2012

W-O-W!! Home-made sweetened condensed milk - EASY!!

I got this recipe from a southern cook - apparently, they put sweetened condensed milk on everything. I wanted to try to make it because I'm not allowed to have anything with lactose until next May (once I've gone a year w/no gluten). I tried this with powdered goat's milk - and It's amazing! Tastes just like the REAL thing! You can make it with normal powdered milk, if you choose....

1 c. powdered milk
2/3 c. sugar
1/3 c boiling water
2 Tbs melted butter

put all of the above ingredients in a blender & mix for a few minutes until it's all incorporated. refrigerate overnight & it's ready to use! It's the same amount as one can from the grocery store

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