September 24, 2012

Pizza Crust

1 lb Raw Almond Meal
Pizza Spice (blend of Oregano, Basil, Bay Leaf, Salt)
1/4 c Water

Take the almond meal and put into a large bowl. Add about water and mix throughly. Get it to the consistancy of a dough - too much water breaks it down & not enough has hard powder spots. Use water sparringly to get to the ideal consistancy.

One reached add your spices. Do this to taste. Get it to where you love it just like that! Add salt to taste as well.

Put some of the extra almond meal on the couter top to be used like a flower. Throw the dough on top and nead it out into the shape of a pizza crust! Transfer to a dehydrator tray and dehydrate for about 6 hours.

Egg-less Deviled Eggs

1/3 cup water (use more as needed)
Juice from one small lemon
1 clove garlic, peeled
1 ½ teaspoons sea salt
1 ½ cups raw cashews
½ teaspoon dry mustard
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
 ½ teaspoon turmeric

Place the water, lemon juice, garlic, sea salt and cashews in the high speed blender, and blend until very smooth. Place the mixture in a medium sized bowl. Stir in the mustard, white vinegar, and turmeric until it reaches the color and flavor you desire. Serve on top of crackers, celery sticks, or add a bit of water to make a creamy salad dressing.

Stuffed Tomatoes

1 head cauliflower
1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
1 bunch basil
1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
2 Tbs olive oil
1/4 cup pine nuts

Chop all ingredients in food processor.
Cut and core cherry tomatoes (as many as you want to stuff)
Fill tomatoes

Mexicali Casserole

Inspired by Living Light. Makes 6 servings

• ¼ cup sun-dried tomato powder
• 3 cups shredded cabbage (about ½ head cabbage)
• 3 Tbsp olive oil
• 1 clove garlic, crushed
• 2 scallions, thinly sliced
• 2 Roma tomatoes diced
• ½ cup corn
• ¾ tsp sea salt
• ½ tsp chili powder
• ¾ tsp ground cumin

1. Pulse the shredded cabbage and garlic in a food processor until it reaches the consistency of rice. Remove it and put it in a bowl. Do not overprocess.
2. Add the sun-dried tomato powder and all the remaining ingredients to the cabbage and toss gently in the large bowl.
3. Place the cabbage in a pyrex baking dish.
4. Sprinkle sun-dried tomato powder on top
5. Place the seasoned cabbage in a dehydrator set at 105 degrees fir 2-4 hours, or until warm. Serve immediately.

Note: Buy sun-dried tomatoes without oil (Sonoma or Mt. Rose Herb brand). ½ cup sun-dried tomoes makes about ¼ cup sun-dried tomato powder. I use a coffee grinder to make the powder

Another Apple Pie

2 cups sunflower seeds
1 cup raisins (soaked)
½ apple

6 apples
8 dates (pitted and soaked)
½ cup currants or raisins
½ lemon juiced
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Blend crust ingredients in a food processor and form into a pie pan
In a food processor, blend 2 apples with the dates until smooth
Pour into a bowl and set aside
In a food processor, pulse chop 4 apples into tiny pieces
Remove from food processor and place in a bowl with the dates
To the date mixture, add the cinnamon, lemon and currants and mix well
Pour filling into pie crust and let stand for at least one hour

'Nana Bread

1/2 cup cashew or almond butter
3/4 cup agave nectar or date paste (dates blended up to form a paste)
1/2 cup raisins
1 tsp. fine celtic sea salt
1 cup mashed ripe bananas
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. vanilla extract or vanilla bean
1/2 cup walnuts (soaked for 7 hrs. and blended up in a blender to form a cream)
1 1/2 cup almond flour (just powdered almonds)

1/2 cup chopped nuts

Blend all the ingredients together (except the chopped nuts), and put into a loaf pan lined with wax or parchment paper. Top the batter with the chopped nuts and place in the dehydrator for 6-12 hrs.


2 1/2 cups golden flax seeds (soaked for 12 hrs)
1 cup fresh or frozen corn kernels
1/4 ripe avocado
1/2 cup sunflower seeds (soaked for 12 hrs)
2 tsp. black or white sesame seeds
2 tbs. minced Spanish or red onion
2 tsp. fresh garlic minced or 1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. cayenne powder
1-2 pinches Celtic sea salt or to taste
1 pinch of white pepper
celery juice or water

In an blender or a heavy duty food processor combine everything together till smooth. Add a little celery juice if mixture is dry. Check for seasonings. Add more salt and pepper if necessary. Set aside in the fridge for at least 2 hrs.

Using a spatula or a large spoon, spread the mixture on a teflex sheet. Make it into thin round circles, (it's ok, if they are not perfect, it looks more home made and rustic) Dehydrate at 110 for about 4 hrs. or until you can pick them up and fold em. That's it! Or you can cover a whole teflex sheet with the batter, dehydrate it for about 3 hrs. Get a large round cookie cutter, and cut out the tortillraw shapes, place them on the dehydrator tray and dehydrate for 1 more hour or until pliable. Once you make a lot of them, you can stack them on top of each other, and keep them warm (in the dehydrator) until ready to eat.


1 c. soaked/strained almonds
1 c. carrots
Chop both of these ingredients in food processor and transfer to a large bowl with the following:
1 portabella mushroom, defeathered and chopped into small cubes
1/2 c. minced celery
1/2 minced small red onion
1/2 minced red bell pepper (works well if frozen first)

1-1/2 c. Sun dried tomatoes and the 2 c. of soaking water
(Soak for two hours)
1 T. honey
1 T. olive oil
1 T. onion powder
¼ c. Nama shoyu or tamari
1 to 2 cloves garlic
2 T. fresh oregano
2 t. chili powder
1 t. cumin
2 t. apple cider vinegar
Feathers from the portabella mushrooms
Mix this all in a blender
Pour sauce over the base, mix well and serve.
Sprinkle with cayenne pepper for a hotter sauce.
This will stay fresh for a week in the fridge.


2 1/4 c. shredded coconut
2 Medjool dates
1/2 c. honey
1 tsp vanilla

Blend ingredients in food processor. Roll into small balls, flatten to about 3/4 inch. Hint: Add more honey to mixture if, when you make a ball out of it, it doesn't easily stick together.

Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 6-8 hours (longer if you want a crunchy outer shell and chewy inside - either way is good).

Fettuccini Alfredo

Fettuccini noodles:
3 Zucchinis

Peel skin with vegetable peeler. Discard green skin or use for another recipe.
Use vegetable peeler to make long, flat Fettuccini-type noodles, until you reach center part with seeds. Discard or use for another recipe.

Alfredo Sauce:
1 1/2 cup macadamia nuts (soaked overnight)
1/8 c walnuts (soaked overnight)
1/4 cup cold pressed, first pressed olive oil
2 tsp Celtic sea salt
3 small cloves garlic
2 tsp fresh ground pepper
water for sauce consistency

Pour sauce over bowl of fettuccini, add dried parsley for pretty and serve immediately.


2 c. shredded coconut
2 Medjool dates
3 Tbl honey
1 Tbl Carob powder
1 tsp vanilla

Blend ingredients in food processor. Pack mixture together into 2" x 4" rectangles, about 3/4 inch thick. Hint: Add more honey to mixture if the formation doesn't easily stick together.  

Dehydrate at 105 degrees for 6-8 hours.

Punkin Pie

3 cups pumpkin; seeded, peeled and cubed
1 med-large avocado, pitted and peeled
1 cup soaked dates, chopped small by hand
1 ½ - 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice (or cinnamon, nutmeg, and mace to taste)
1-2 T psyllium powder
½ cup soaked, chopped walnuts (optional)
½ cup soaked raisins (optional)

Combine the pumpkin, avocado and dates, following the directions for Pie #1 above. If you need more liquid, try adding a little carrot juice.

Mix in the psyllium, walnuts and raisins (if desired), and pour directly into pie shell.

Pie Crust
1 ½ - 2 cups dates
1 ½ - 2 cups almonds

Chop dates and almonds by hand, knead together (this takes a little patience and some hand strength), and press into pie plate.

Eggnog Milkshake

First, cut up a few ripe bananas and stick them in the freezer.

Next, make a batch of flavored almond milk. Combine a few cups of soaked almonds in a blender with a chopped half of a vanilla bean, freshly grated nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, 2 or 3 whole cloves, and optional honey/agave to taste. Use whatever spices you like, but I think the basic eggnog-ish flavor comes from nutmeg. Blend and strain through a fine mesh strainer or nutmilk bag.

Clean out the blender and put in some frozen bananas. Add a mix of almond milk and water to cover (add more almond milk for a thicker shake, or less if the spice flavor is too strong). Blend

Apple Pie

1 cup almonds, soaked 12-48 hours and blanched
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked 6-8 hours
1/2 cup mission figs
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Process all ingredients in a food processor using the "s" blade until dough forms into a ball. Press dough into a 9''pie plate.

4-6 apples
1-3 tablespoon psyllium
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Process apples, psyllium, vanilla, and cinnamon in a blender. Add more psyllium to adjust the consistency of the filling. Pour into crust and refrigerate until serving. Decorate top of pie with a few slices of thinly sliced apples in the form of a wheel. Add a few sprigs of mint to decorate.

Almond Roca

2 cups sprouted almonds
1/2 cup dried, shredded coconut (always dry coconut yourself in a dehydrator as the dried coconut that
        you can purchase, even in health food stores, has been bleached and pasteurized)
1/4 cup raw wildflower honey
1/2 vanilla bean, ground

1) Put all the ingredients, except coconut, into a food processor and process until mixture holds together.
2) Transfer to a bowl, add in the shredded coconut, and blend well by hand.
3) Form into small ball shapes, and refrigerate. These are very delicious, but don't overdo!

Makes 1 dozen. Keeps up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator.